Our beginning…
This sign choir is dedicated to the legacy of the late Mrs. Sharon Svette. Sharon Svette began teaching as in intervention specialist at Westwood Middle School in Elyria, Ohio. The sign choir started when a new student enrolled into Mrs. Svette's class with a hearing impairment. Mrs. Svette began learning ASL (American Sign Language) in order to communicate with her student. As a result, some of the other students became curious to learn ASL themselves. Sharon had a passion for the concept of inclusion, or treating each and every child equally, with no discrimination due to disability. While most of the other staff were hesitant of Sharon's idea of creating an inclusive sign choir, Sharon opened her heart and her classroom to students with AND WITHOUT disabilities for the purpose of studying ASL and creating positive relationships and friendships between young people that otherwise may not have had such an opportunity. Mrs. Svette taught these student not only ASL, but to also love and respect people with differences. She helped create memories and lasting friendships by letting children interact as children. Words cannot express how inspirational Sharon is, was, and always will be to her students, as well as to adults around her. Those who were blessed to know her will always cherish her memory. From these sign language classes, Westwood Signers began and has now evolved into Sharon’s Signers.
Sharon’s Signers…
Sharon’s Signers is local non-profit community ASL sign choir welcoming members of all abilities ages 14 to adult. It was first started over 15 years ago by Westwood Middle School teacher Sharon Svette. In 2015 Sharon retired from Elyria City Schools and created a community ASL sign choir comprised of many of her former students as well as other community members. Sadly, in August 2016 Sharon suddenly passed away and her son, Cory, took over directing the choir with the help of two parents, Maggie Nejadfard and Rebecca Miltenberger. Our sign choir includes individuals with varying disabilities along with neurotypical members. Members meet once weekly to practice during the fall and spring sessions, working to put together shows for the public. During practice, parents have the option to relax and share during our parent support group or just enjoy a two-hour break. In our sign choir shows, our members sign to music while acting out a story. In addition to this, our sign choir members enjoy spending time together during outings, picnics, and seasonal parties. These especially enrich the lives of our members who would otherwise have limited access to these events. It is our intention to portray to our community that everyone has a special purpose and place in our world.